The Light Hereafter

the light hereafter

Love & Fear: Why I began death work

What if we began openly sharing our fears surrounding death? Creating safe spaces for each other to be seen, to be heard, and to be supported. We are all in this together. Most of us share the same fears regarding dying and ALL of us will eventually face death: our own and those of the ones we love.

Let me start first.
By working in the medical profession, I saw a need to provide better death care and support for the dying, loved ones and care takers. I wanted to make a difference. This was a no-brainer.

But that’s not the real story behind my passion for end of life care. I was driven towards this work by both Love & by Fear.

Love: My best friend passed away from brain cancer. She was one of my most favorite people on this earth and my biggest inspiration. She battled this diagnosis for several years, but never once showed fear. She lived life fully and she lived life presently. She did not fear death. She lived and died the way she wanted to. She was the epitome of light and love. It was her who taught me how to live fully and to die gracefully.

Fear: As a single woman, one of my biggest fears surrounding death is the fear of dying alone. Through my end of life doula training, I was forced to face and dive deep into my own fears surrounding death and worked through these. This kept coming up again and again. No one should have to be alone at the end, and I want to be that person for you, both physically and spiritually. By being your grounded presence, your advocate and helping you transition with peace, grace, and so much love.

I am here for you.

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